Arteca - Creative Workshop is a firm specializing in global image management. Founded in 1995, Arteca remains a benchmark for any organization looking for effective visual communication solutions. We consider all possible options, with objectivity and impartiality, in order to achieve your visual communication goals and ensure the success of your positioning.
Our objective is to allow our customers to access a unique one-stop shop of services: from planning and visual design to printed and web production. We are committed to your full design journey.

Branding is a major part of your strategy and is often the most important marketing challenge for a business. Branding is a vital step in establishing your corporate identity. Your visual identity will be communicated repeatedly, in multiple ways and in different formats.
Branding success depends on the ability to effectively target and reach the market. Our approach aims to ensure a harmonious link between your image, the message you want to convey and the markets you want to reach.
The Web is a space where you welcome your customers (current and potential) to respond to their requests for information and present their products and services to them. The website can become your “best representative”, an effective showcase and contribute to strengthening your positioning… provided that visitors can find their way easily and quickly, that the navigation corresponds to their behavior and that the information responds to their expectations.
Our approach goes beyond the Web, our concern is to develop interactive tools that will allow you to establish a privileged and trusting relationship with your target customers.
A few more projects

Logo Les Cigales


Kirkland Men’s Basketball League

Logo epsilon

École Nationale de l’humour

Les Cigales - Accueil


Développement Économique de Longueuil - Calendrier 2008

Emballage et Branding - Imani Gospel Singers


Radio Plaisir

Développement du projet Mamanpourlavie - 2003 à 2010 - 2003-2010 v. 2009 (sommaire profil)

Centre de plongée Nepteau web

logo Chenail - Fruits et Légumes

L’école de cirque de Verdun - collaboration avec Houlala et NuageLab

Pochette Evart

Fromagerie Rang 9 - collaboration avec Martel et cie

Site web - Fromagerie Rang 9 - collaboration avec Martel et cie

CKRS 98,3 Saguenay

ad / installer Radio-Canada - Article promotionnel

Site internet “The Medical Exchange”, collaboration avec Nuagelab

fondation Impact de Montréal

Label MyStuff

frigora UI

logo Speckert processing solutions

Brochure corporative Effox - Extérieur

Brochure corporative Effox - Intérieur

Fleet Manager Online - Logo, site web et application

FLEET landing page

Logo DYC


Calendrier mural du Développement économique de Longueuil

Impact de Montréal - de 1997 à 2003

Site internet Eloda

Logo Pôle de l’Économique Sociale de Longueuil

Site internet - Pôle de l’économie sociale

Site internet automobiles etcetera

Site internet - United Nations Environment Program

Logo Pavages Chenail

Fondation des Gouverneurs - 10 ans de bénévolat

Soirée bénéfice de la fondation des Gouverneurs

Soirée bénéfice de la fondation des Gouverneurs

Winner of the boomerang award for best specialized portal in 2014
— Infopresse Award
Our relationship with our customers is a long term one.
Our clients
We partner with our customers to identify the most effective way of telling their story, taking innovative approaches to each new creative challenge. Guided by a solid knowledge base and a fluid distribution of our talents, we offer solutions perfectly adapted to today’s culture and to the vision of tomorrow.
We work with our customers to build brands that represent something.